Repository Contents

You shall find the collections displayed on the home page are only the most obvious ones. In contents the rest of the collections are available.

Documents Antarctic Bulletin The Antarctic Bulletin was published by the South African Antarctic Association during 1964 – 1976 and sponsored by BP South Africa
Antarctic Gateway Cities
Bibliography - Research The South African Journal of Antarctic Research was published from 1971 -1995 (24 Volumes along with 3 supplements). The articles published in this journal are available in this collection. The publication was compiled and published under the auspices of the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research. The journal was published and distributed by the Council scientific research (CSIR) of South Africa. This collection includes articles that are not available online written by members of the scientific community of South Africa. A bibliography of articles is also available in this collection
Informational Material - Science Communication and awareness
MAPS & Geographical Features Maps in this collections consists of maps collected, drawn or compiled by people that visit these regions. This collections preserve the geographical features with the GPS coordinates
National and International Archives Most of the material in this collection consists of governance documents, that includes correspondence between national departments and between countries. Items in this collection has been mostly been obtained from governmental archives. The digital documents has been scanned during the early years of the Antarctic Legacy Project of South Africa and some of the documents quality is not good but still decipherable.
NewsLetters Newsletters are compiled by the overwinter team members at the different Antarctic stations on Marion and Gough Island and at SANAE (Antarctic Station). These letters are done by the team members and send to the Department of Environment, Fisheries and Forestry. It can be seen as an informal report or journal written by team members of a specific expedition team. The Newsletter can includes activities, celebrations and profiles of team members. In the recent years more images are included in the newsletter as well as an indication in some newsletters of the sponsors for the teams.
Official Documents This collection include official documents since South Africa has been involved in the Antarctic region. It may contain material form government and relevant organisations in South Africa involved in the National Antarctic Programme. Government Departments can include; Science and Innovation, Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Public Works and Infrastructure and Transport. Governmental Organisations such as the South African Weather Services and the National Research Foundation.
Other Documents There are miscellaneous documents that do not reside under the previous and is available here. The collection includes leaflets and first day envelopes collected by expeditioners
Popular Writings Over the years many journalists have been seized by the mystery of Antarctica and its surrounding areas. This collection contains articles published in newspapers and popular magazines in South Africa as well as in the world. Many of the earlier articles are written in Afrikaans. If a researcher wants it translated please contact the [email protected] and we shall put you in contact with a translation service
Research: Events, Presentations, Posters The collection consists of material such as programmes, notifications, offcial documents drawn up at or after these events. This section includes oral and poster presentations delivered during these events. This collection include research proposals
SANAP Official documents This collection contains documents created and authorised within SANAP
SANAP related positions Overwintering team members at the three SANAP stations at Antarctica and on Marion and Gough Islands positions are advertised in 6-12 months in advanced before departure. These advertisements are available in this collection. SANAP research is hosted within different reserach and higher eductaion institutions and where possible these advertisements will be archived in this collection
SANAP Research Institutions, Projects, Infrastructures Science and research within the South African National Antarctic Programme are hosted at different research and higher educations institutions. This collection contains documents to describe these institutions, projects and infrastructures and outline their operating procedures
SANAP Thesis Since the beginning of research of South Africa in the polar regions doctoral and masters studies have been done. These documents are available on the tertiary institutions repositories. Ensure that the necessary copyright and acknowledgements are done if using this documents
South African Polar Research Infrastructure - SAPRI
Take Over Documents Take over Manuals are compiled for the take-over period at the differet stations/bases of South Africa on Antarctica, Marion Iskand and Gough Island. Relief Reports by members of the take_over party are generated. This collections contains these official manuals and reposrt written by scinnetis, researchers, crew members, conservation officers and maintenance personnel.
Vessel Voyages
HASS References Ria Olivier - South Africa - References As principal investigator for the Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Ria Olivier collects information all over the world that relates to the involvement of South Africa in the Antarctic region. In her visits to these institutions she came across interesting information, that she herself may not use as such, but can maybe useful for other researchers within these topics. The references to these locations of information are indicated here. This references may or may not include actual documents as it are already available online or due to restrictions may not be listed in full and just a reference to the location.
Multimedia 360 Footage Images The Antarctic Legacy of South Africa (ALSA) i sin the process of creating 360 footage of our stations, vessel and other related institutions. This footage will be made available in this collection as soon as they become available
Artefacts An archive is a by-product of human activity preserved in material to provide a direct window on past events. ALSA wants to be the custodian for these artefacts that are housed at bases and in personal collections. ALSA would like to become the memory of our Antarctic Legacy artefacts. What is an artefact? “An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest”
Interviews Antarctic Legacy is having interviews on a regular base with South Africans that are involved in the Antarctic region. There is also a set of oral interviews with their transcriptions availble in this section
Multimedia This collections includes films, videos, slideshows and interviews made by those involved in the South African National Antarctic Programme or this collection can be about a contributor.
Oral Histories Document the personal history of involvement of South Africans and their experiences by making available well -documented oral testimonies especially of those active in the early years of South Africa's Antarctic programme. This process, together with the archival one, would also provide the means to sketch a workable history of South Africa's involvement with the Antarctic.
Personal Documents This collection consists of personal diaries, correspondence to and from family, friends and colleagues. It is important to read these documents together with images of the contributor in the photo gallery as well as documents and multimedia entries
Resources As an aim of the Antarctic Legacy of South Africa (ALSA) project is the promoting of South Africa’s involvement in the Antarctic Region. ALSA is a source of information in archiving booklets, brochures and posters. These items can be used by any institution or person to generate knowledge of South Africa's involvement in the Antarctic region
Speeches, Talks and Presentations Within the SANAP community a lot of presentations and talks are given during various events. These are not necessarily science focused presentations.
VIDEOS Videos an previously films are donated to the ALSA archive. This varies form the building of the SA Agulhas II to a science video. These video's are all in this collection
Overwinter Team Gough Overwinter Teams Gough Overwinter Teams. Images and other material is also available under the Photo Gallery, Multimedia and documents. Search with team number or names of members
Marion Island Overwinter Teams Marion Overwinter Teams. Images and other material is also available under the Photo Gallery, Multimedia and documents. Search with team number or names of members
SANAE Overwinter Teams SANAE Overwinter Teams. Images and other material is also available under the Photo Gallery, Multimedia and documents. Search with team number or names of members
Photo Gallery Antarctica SANAE Images in this collection includes images from team expedition members of South Africa in and around the SANAE (South African national Antarctic Expedition) bases. Currently SANAE IV on Vesleskarvet is the base used by the South African team. Images from vessel personnel and maintenace crew members are included as well as scientists and researchers during takeover period. This collection also hold the images of the Trans Antarctic expedition of which Hannes La Grange was a member.
Antarctic Region and Southern Ocean Images include all other geographical areas not covered by stations as well as the island of Tristan de Cunha and Bouvet Island. These areas include other Antarctic stations, South Georgia, Kerguelen, Macquarie and Campbell Islands.Images includes photographs taken by South African expedition members during overwintering as well as by vessel personnel, maintenance crew members and scientists, researchers during takeover period. Images of humans and their activities and human structures are the main component of this collection. The collection also includes images of landscapes, seascapes, fauna and flora. This collection include also specific expeditions and cruises such as SEAmester and Summer and Winter Science cruises
Bouvet Island South African researchers have visit Bouvet Island since the 1950's. These are not annual visits. When the SA polar vessel leave for Antarctica it may stop on its journey to and from Antarctica at Bouvet Island.
Gough Island Images includes photographs taken by South African expedition members during overwintering as well as by vessel personnel, maintenance crew members and scientists and researchers during takeover period. Images of humans and their activities and human structures are the main component of this collection. The collection also includes images of landscapes, seascapes, fauna and flora.
Marion Island Images includes photographs taken by South African expedition members during overwintering as well as by vessel personnel, maintenance crew members and scientists, researchers during takeover period. Images of humans and their activities and human structures are the main component of this collection. The collection also includes images of landscapes, seascapes, fauna and flora.
Polar Vessels Images includes photographs taken by South African expedition members during overwintering as well as by vessel personnel,, maintenance crew members, scientists and researchers during takeover period. This collection includes vessels been used by South Africa re Polarbjorn, Polarhav, Navy Vessels and Vessels of the Heroic Age that used Cape Town as the harbour to depart to Antarctica. The photographs of the R.S.A, , the S.A. Agulhas and the S.A. Agulhas II are included in this collection.
Prince Edward Island This island together with Marion Island form part of the prince Edward Islands. This is South African Territory. There is no permanent station on the island and is seen as a natural heritage site by researchers, environmentalists and scientists
Tristan da Cunha South Africa visit Tristan da Cunha once a year on the annual voyage to Gough Island. Tristan da Cunha is British territory. On the annual voyage overwinter team members and takeover personnel visit the island and this collection includes the images they have taken while on the island

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