Antarctic Legacy Archive
Community List
Community List
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Communities in ALSA
Select a community to browse its collections.
Antarctic Bulletin
Bulletin for news of overwinterers
Antarctic Gateway Cities
Relevant material, documents and images of Antarctic Gateway Cities
Bibliography - Research
Research Articles including the South African Journal on Antarctic Research
Informational Material - Science Communication and awareness
MAPS & Geographical Features
Maps of the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Region
National and International Archives
Documents sources from South African and British Archives
Newsletters written by Overwinter Teams of the South African National Antarctic Programme
Official Documents
Official documents compiled within the South African National Antarctic Programme
Other Documents
Documents that do not reside under any of the other document collections
Popular Writings
Research: Events, Presentations, Posters
Material directly related to official scientific and research events
SANAP Official documents
Documents created within the South African National Antarctic Programme
SANAP related positions
Advertisements of jobs available within and related to the SANAP community
SANAP Research Institutions, Projects, Infrastructures
SANAP Research
SANAP Thesis
Doctoral and Masters thesis of SOuth african involvement in the Antarctic
South African Polar Research Infrastructure - SAPRI
All material related to the establishment of the Polar Research Infrastructure
Take Over Documents
Take-Over(relief) manuals and reports
Vessel Voyages
Voyager reports of South African vessels to the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic
HASS References
Collection of referencing Humanities and social scientists repositories and information entities
Ria Olivier - South Africa - References
Indication of information found in Archives, institutions and museums
DVD, slideshows, audio, films
360 Footage Images
Visit South African Stations at SNAE iV, Marion Island and Gough Island. Tour the S.A. Agulhas II
Images of items collected at stations and contributed images from personal collections
Interviews, transcriptions, videos, slideshows and films.
Oral Histories
Personal Documents
Diaries, letters and personal documents
Documents compiled within or for the SANAP community
Speeches, Talks and Presentations
Speeches, talks and presentations deliver by members of the SANAP community
Overwinter Team
Team Lists, Team Photo, Newsletters, logo
Gough Overwinter Teams
Team Photo, Team Lists, Appointment-position, branding
Marion Island Overwinter Teams
Team Photo, Team List and appointment, Logo and newsletters
SANAE Overwinter Teams
Team Photo, Team Lists, Appointment-position, branding
Photo Gallery
Antarctica SANAE
Images taken on Antarctica and on the way to and from Antarctica.
Antarctic Region and Southern Ocean
Photo Gallery of images taken in the Antarctic region and Southern Ocean
Bouvet Island
Island in the Antarctic region
Gough Island
Photo Gallery of images taken on and around Gough Island
Marion Island
Photo Gallery of Images taken on and around Marion Island
Polar Vessels
Vessels in the Antarctic Region and Southern Ocean. Photo Gallery of Vessels used by South Africa for research and logistical purposes within the national Antarctic Programme. Also included are vessels that used South ...
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island
Tristan da Cunha
Images taken at Tristan da Cunha
SANAP Profile List
Contact details of people involved in SANAP
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