Antarctic Legacy Archive

The Wanderer March 2021 Edition

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dc.coverage.spatial Marion Island 2021-04-06T12:37:05Z 2021-04-06T12:37:05Z 21-Mar 21-Mar
dc.description.abstract Newsletter written and compiled by the 77th Marion Island Overwintering Team. en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship Sponsored by the Department of Science and Innovation(DSI) through the National Research Foundation (South Africa) en_ZA
dc.description.statementofresponsibility Antarctic Legacy of South Africa en_ZA
dc.format PDF en_ZA
dc.language English en_ZA
dc.language.iso en_ZA en_ZA
dc.publisher South African National Antarctic Programme ( en_ZA
dc.rights Copyright en_ZA
dc.subject People - Living - Celebrations - Birthdays en_ZA
dc.subject People - Teams - Overwintering Team en_ZA
dc.subject People - Teams - Team member en_ZA
dc.subject People - Work - Birders en_ZA
dc.subject People - Work - Field Assistants en_ZA
dc.subject People - Work - Meteorologists en_ZA
dc.subject People - Work - Sealers en_ZA
dc.subject People - Work en_ZA
dc.subject Weather - Meteorology - Observations - Weather Balloons en_ZA
dc.subject Weather - Meteorology en_ZA
dc.subject Weather - Conditions - Storms en_ZA
dc.subject Work - Fieldwork en_ZA
dc.subject Work - Observations en_ZA
dc.subject Work - Surveying en_ZA
dc.subject Zoology - Birds - Albatrosses - Wandering en_ZA
dc.subject Zoology - Birds - Penguins - King en_ZA
dc.subject Zoology - Birds - Penguins - Macaroni en_ZA
dc.subject Zoology - Birds en_ZA
dc.subject Zoology - Mammals - Seals Elephant en_ZA
dc.subject Zoology - Mammals - Seals Fur en_ZA
dc.subject.other en_ZA
dc.title The Wanderer March 2021 Edition en_ZA
dc.type Newsletter en_ZA
dc.rights.holder Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment en_ZA
iso19115.mdconstraints.uselimitation This item and the content of this website are subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder. en_ZA
iso19115.mddistributor.distributorcontact Antarctic Legacy of South Africa en_ZA PDF en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.deliverypoint Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Faculty of Science, Private Bag X1, Matieland. Stellenbosch. South Africa. en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.electronicmailaddress [email protected] en_ZA

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • NewsLetters [397]
    Newsletters written by Overwinter Teams of the South African National Antarctic Programme

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