GG 311 5/19 1 folder, 4 pages. Manuscript notes on some documents. Telegram from the Secretary of State to the Governor-General stating that Crozet and Hog Islands are under French sovereignty and that Prince Edward, Heard, Marion and Gough Islands are under British sovereignty. Adds that the British will not negotiate with Mr. Schechter for fishing and sealing rights as they have already made arrangements with other parties, 31.7.1919. Despatch from E. Birch (Acting Secretary to the Governor-General) to the Prime Minister’s Office, on the subject of a reply to the enquiry of Mr. Schechter as to fishing and sealing in the vicinity of, and prospecting on the islands mentioned above was received by telegram, which cost £ 1.18.9. Adds that this amount should be recovered and sent to him, 8.8.19. Despatch from the Secretary to the Prime Minister to the Secretary to the Governor-General informing the latter that the amount of £4.6.3. has been paid to the Treasury by Mr. Schechter in connection with the cost of telegrams, 5.9.19. Letter from the Secretary of State to the Governor-General, stating that the cost of his telegram replying to Mr. Schechter’s inquiry was £3.15. and asking that the amount be recovered, 18.9.19. Despatch from the Secretary to the Governor-General to the Secretary for the Prime Minister informing the latter that the cost of the telegram sent by the Secretary of State in reply to Schechter’s enquiry was £3.15 and not £ 1.16.9. as previously stated. Asks that the difference (£1.16.3.) be collected and paid to the Governor-General, 15.9.19. Letter from the Secretary for Finance to the Secretary for the Prime Minister advising that the sum of £1.16.3. was received by the Treasury in connection with cablegrams despatched on behalf of Mr. Schechter, 16.10.19. Despatch from E. Birch to the Imperial Secretary transmitting a warrant voucher for the sum of £3.15., 15.10.19.