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BTS 102/2(16) 1 folder, 224 pages. Pages are out of order. Some typed passages are hard to read. Manuscript notes and documents.
Minutes of the 23rd Meeting of the Committee of Management, of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 6 Nov. 1956.
Extracts from an Article by Captain E.L. Diaz commenting on the Statistical and Scientific data of Argentine Antarctic campaign 1955/56.
Tentative Schedule of the Japanese Scientific Expedition Party to the Antarctic Areas.
Articles from “The New York Times”:
date unknown, ‘Australians go to Antarctic’.
28 Jan. 1957, ‘Japanese Landing in Antarctic’.
7 Feb. 1957, ‘Russian Base in Antarctic: Australian Concern’.
10 Feb. 1957, ‘New Zealand Acts on Antarctic Claim’.
13 Mar. 1957, title unknown.
29 Apr. 1957, ‘Vein of High-Quality Manganese Found Near Antarctic Camp Site’.
Text of a lecture given by Dr. G.C.L. Bertram at the Royal Institute of International Affairs on 4 Dec. 1956 titled ‘Antarctic Prospect’. This was part of a secret discussion held in London on the influence of the Commonwealth on matters affecting the Antarctic.
Letter to the Secretary for External Affairs from the Legation of the Union of South Africa, Buenos Aires, titled ‘Aerodrome Construction – Southern Argentine and Chile’.
Summary of a Private Discussion Meeting held on 13 Dec., 1956, by the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Joint Resolution introduced by Mr. Tollefson on 23 Jan., 1957, in The House of Representatives, Declaring the right of Sovereignty of the U.S. over certain areas of the Antarctic Continent.
Copy of Article by Walter Sullivan titled ‘Airfield in Antarctica Poses Political Issue’.
Copy of Bill introduced by Mr. Saylor in the House of Representatives, 3 Jan. 1957, to consolidate, in a single executive agency, the responsibility for and supervision of activities involving Antarctica.
Letter, in Afrikaans, to the Secretary of External Affairs from the Embassy of the Union of South Africa, Washington D.C., 16 Feb. 1957, titled ‘Die Suidpool-streek’.
Copy of a Press Release from the Russian Embassy in Washington, 27 Feb. 1957, describing an interview by a Tass Correspondent with Dr. Gordon C. Cartwright of the U.S. Weather Bureau.
Statement by the Australian Minister for the Interior re. a new type of automatic radio weather reporting station to be set up in Antarctica.
Falkland Islands Dependencies Surveys, 1956 and 1957.
Report on The Soviet Academy of Sciences Antarctic Expedition 1956-57 Season.
A transcription of an interview between N.B.C. News Service and Rear Admiral George Dufek, Commander of ‘Operation Deep Freeze’.
Article from “The Economist”, 13 Apr. 1957, ‘Frozen White Elephant?’
Article from “The New York Times”, 13 Mar. 1957, ‘Chile Ships Back From Antarctic’ and a letter from the British Embassy, Santiago, to the Foreign Office re. an airstrip built by Chileans on Robert Island in the South Shetlands at the request of the U.S. Government.
Letter from the British Embassy in Quito to the Foreign Office, 3 May 1957, about claims being voiced in Ecuador for “a slice of the Antarctic Cake”.
Press Releases by the Australian Department of External Affairs:
30 Jul. 1957, re. the selection of Mr. Ian Leonard Adams as leader for the 1958 Mawson Party.
9 Aug. 1957, ‘Australia Opens Remote Antarctic Weather Post’.
26 Nov. 1957, ‘Australians Active in Antarctica’.
Document in Afrikaans titled ‘Verenigde Koninkryk se plan insake ‘n internasionale owerheid vir die Suidpool-gebied’ |
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