BLO 285 PS 16/2(4) 1 folder, 632 pages. Pages are out of order. Contains duplicates. Manuscript notes on some documents.
Résumés of meetings of the group of Twelve held on:
September 3rd, 1958 + September 12th, 1958 + September 19th, 1958 + October 2nd, 1958 + October 8th, 1958 + October 20th, 1958 + October 27th, 1958 + October 29th, 1958 + November 5th, 1958 + November 13th, 1958 + December 2nd, 1958 + November 17th, 1958 + January 6th, 1959 + January 13th, 1959 + January 19th, 1959 + January 27th, 1959 + February 3rd, 1959 + February 11th, 1959 + February 17th, 1959 + February 24th, 1959 + March 17th, 1959 + March 24th, 1959 + March 31st, 1959 + April 7th, 1959 + April 14th, 1959 + April 22nd, 1959 + April 29th, 1959 + May 13th, 1959 + May 26th, 1959 + July 20th, 1959 + July 28th, 1959 + August 31st, 1959 + August 26th, 1959 + September 6th, 1959 + September 9th, 1959 + September 16th, 1959 + September 25th, 1959 + September 30th, 1959.
Minutes of the Interim Group meetings held on:
January 27th, 1960 + February 3rd, 1960 + February 9th, 1960 + February 16th, 1960 + February 23rd, 1960 + March 1st, 1960 + March 15th, 1960 + March 31st, 1960 + April 13th, 1960 + April 26th, 1960 + May 10th, 1960 + May 27th, 1960 + June 7th, 1960 + June 17th, 1960 + June 28th, 1960 + July 19th, 1960 + July 25th, 1960 + August 30th, 1960 + September 13th, 1960 + September 27th, 1960 + October 18th, 1960 + November 10th, 1960 + November 21st, 1960 + December 6th, 1960 + December 14th, 1960 + December 23rd, 1960.
Letter from the Actg. High Commissioner to the Actg. Secretary for External Affairs re. the Soviet expedition across Antarctica, 18.9.58.
Copy of Possible Organization of Committee of Conference, with Suggestions as to the Agenda which might be appropriate for each Committee.
Texts of Russian broadcasts on Antarctica which have been made available to the Dept. of Ext. Affairs by the BBC Monitoring Service, 9.9.58.
Telegrams from Washington to Foreign Office entitled: “Participation to the Conference and Accession to the Treaty”; “Antarctic Treaty”, 7.9.58.
Copy of Revised Draft Rules of Procedure: Working Paper”, 16.10.58.
Letters from the High Commissioner to the Sec. for Ext. Affairs entitled: “Demilitarisation of Antarctica”, 19.11.58; “S.C.A.R. Meeting, Canberra, 2nd to 6th March, 1959”, 18.3.59; “Antarctic Conference: Washington, October, 1959”, 29.7.59.
Recommendations made by the South African National Committee for Antarctic Research: Short and long terms projects, 3.12.58.
Excerpts from Chicago Sunday Times entitled: “Cold War Gets Colder as U.S., Reds Clash on Antarctic”, 8.2.59; “British Offer Compromise in Antarctic Dispute”, 29.3.59.
Copy of Protocol Relative to the Treaty Respecting Antarctica.
Memorandum entitled “The Union and Antarctica”.
News of the Day from South Africa by radio Beam: “Minister on South Africa’s interests in Antarctica”, 23.3.59.
Newspaper clippings:
“Treaty plan on south polar Bases”, Sydney Morning Herald, 18.3.59 + “12-Nation Talks on the Antarctic: Polish request to be represented”, The Times, 4.4.59 + “Keeping the Peace in Antarctica: 12 nations meet to discuss future of continent: Sovereignty problem”, The Guardian, 16.10.59 + “U.S. and Russia give pledges to Antarctic Conference: British delegate foresees ‘Treaty of virtually no priviledges’”, The Times, 16.10.5.
Draft Working Paper: Antarctic Treaty.
Chilean + Australian + Norwegian Delegations to the Conference on Antarctica to be held in Washington, beginning October 15, 1959.
Commonwealth Claims in Antarctica.
New Zealand News Bulletin: “Statement by Mr Nash”; “Additions to the New Zealand Base during the Antarctic Summer”’ “Government retains responsibility”; “British economist visits New Zealand”, 2.12.59; “Antarctic Treaty ratified”, 4.11.60.
Eisenhower, U.S. Statements on Antarctic Treaty, 2.12.59.
Résumé of the Antarctic Conference, 9.12.59. With correspondence regarding.
Speech by Mr George R. Pearkes (Minister of National Defence) to the National Defence Transportation Association entitled “A North American Defence Partnership”, Oct ’59.
Excerpt from the Monthly Bulletin of Canada entitled “Conference on the Antarctic”, Nov ’59.
Final Act of the Conference on Antarctica together with the Antarctic Treaty, 1.12.59.
Official Report of the House of Lords on the Antarctic, 18.2.60.
Notes from the Australian Embassy entitled: “Antarctic Treaty: Relation with SCAR”; “Draft Working Paper on Exchanges of Information”, 31.3.60.
Recommendation regarding the voluntary exchange of information on expeditions and stations to the forthcoming Antarctic Season, New Zealand proposal + Recommendation regarding the relationship on the Antarctic Treaty to SCAR.