BLO 284 PS 16/2(2) 1 folder, 316 pages. Pages are out of order. Manuscript notes on several documents. Contains duplicates.
Letter from A.M. Hamilton to Secretary for External Affairs entitled “American Interest in the Antarctic”, 23.12.54. With reply dated 15.3.55.
Text of American enquiries concerning Antarctic directed to New Zealand.
Memorandum from American Embassy on the subject of Soviet activities in the Antarctic, 22.11.55.
Copy of “Antarctica: Proposed Commonwealth consultation with the United States government”, issue by the Commonwealth Relations Office, 7.12.55. With other correspondence regarding.
Letter from the Sec. for Ext. Affairs entitled “American Enquiry About Antarctic Policy”, 25.10.55.
Record of a meeting at the Commonwealth Relations Office to discuss Antarctic Policy”, 9.12.55. With correspondence re.
Note from the United States Embassy re. possible Soviet requests for base facilities in Southern Hemisphere countries in support of the Soviet Antarctic programme, during the I.G.Y, 22.11.55. With correspondence re.
Newspaper clippings:
“Race for Antarctica: Last great unexplored continent”, The New York Times, 11.12.55 + “Antarctic Rivalries”, The Times, 28.1.56 + “Antarctic Base: Political Issue: Discovery of a Permanent Airfield Site Calls for Washington Decision”, The New York Times, 10.2.57 + “Airfield in Antarctica Poses Political Issue”, The New York Times + “New Zealand Acts on Antarctic Claim”, The New York Times, 10.2.57 + “Chile Ships back from Antarctic”, The New York Times, 13.3.57 + “Die Russe ten Suide van Ons”, Die Burger, 6.8.57. With correspondence regarding.
Correspondence on the subject of South African interests in Antarctica”, Dec 55 – Jan 56.
New Zealand News Bulletin: “Future of Antarctic: Mr Nash’s Views”, 24.1.56.
Aide Memoire from the U.K. Government + Annex I and II + The trans-Antarctic Expedition and United Kingdom Participation in the I.G.Y.
Letter from the permanent Delegation of the Union of South Africa to the United Nations to the Sec. for Ext. Affairs entitled “Inscription of the Questions of Antarctica on the Provisional Agenda of the Eleventh General Assembly”, 21.2.56. With correspondence re.
Letters from the U.K. Embassy to the Sec. for Ext. Affairs entitled: “Soviet Activities in Antarctica”, 8.3.56; “Indian Action on Antarctica”, 6.4.56.
Record of a meeting at the Commonwealth Relations Office, 12.3.56.
Record of a meeting at the Commonwealth Relations Office, 24.4.56.
Extract from the House of Commons Official Report (Hansard) for Wednesday, 30th May, 1956: Antarctic Sovereignty.
Letter from the Actg. Sec. for Ext. Affairs to the S.A. High Commissioner entitled “The Strategic Importance of Antarctica”, 7.7.56.
Extract from a Minute from Dr Roberts (Foreign Office) re. his visit to the Soviet Union from May 28 – June 9, 1956.
Record of General Meeting held at Chatham House on Tuesday, 4 December 1956. Subject: “Antarctic prospect”, Speaker: G.C.L. Bertram (Director: Scott Polar Research Institute).
Record of Private Discussion Meeting held at Chatham House on Thursday, 13 December 1956. Subject: “The problems of Antarctica”.
Bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to formulate a plan and make recommendations for consolidation in a single executive agency of the responsibility for, and supervision of, activities involving Antarctica, 3.1.57 + Joint Resolution declaring the right of sovereignty of the United States over certain areas of the Antarctic Continent, and for other purposes, 23.1.57.
Memorandum from the Foreign Office Legal Adviser + Minutes by Ivor Vincent of the Foreign Office about the effect on sovereignty of International Geophysical Year activities, 14.1.57. With correspondence re.
Letter from the British Embassy in Quinto to the Foreign Office about claims being voiced in Ecuador for “a slice of the Antarctic cake”, 3.5.57.
Note addressed to the Ministers entitled “International Authority for Antarctica”.
Minutes of a meeting held in the Commonwealth Relations Office on 15.8.57.
Minutes of a meeting held in the Commonwealth Relations Office on 29.8.57.